Bits & Bytes

A random collection of notes, personal tips, and general things.

Secure an ASP.NET Core 8 Blazor Web App with AWS Cognito

Secure an ASP.NET Core 8 Blazor Web App with AWS Cognito

A very quick walk through of using AWS Cognito and ASP.Net Core 8 Blazor together

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Deploying SonarQube CE in AWS ECS Fargate

Deploying SonarQube CE in AWS ECS Fargate

Taking an Infrastructure as Code approach to deploying SonarQube Community Edition using the AWS Elastic Container Service

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Deploying Prowler Security tool to AWS ECS Fargate

Deploying Prowler Security tool to AWS ECS Fargate

Taking an Infrastructure as Code approach to deploying the Prowler open source security scanner using the AWS Elastic Container Service

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Building out an AWS postgreSQL RDS instance

Building out an AWS postgreSQL RDS instance

Taking an Infrastructure as Code approach to setting up an AWS RDS instance with some bells and whistles

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Building out a simple AWS VPC

Building out a simple AWS VPC

Taking an Infrastructure as Code approach to setting up a simple AWS VPC

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Resolving a name record in an AWS Route53 private hosted zone from within a VPC

Resolving a name record in an AWS Route53 private hosted zone from within a VPC

Today I learned that in order to resolve a record in a Route53 private hosted zone from within a VPC, the VPC is configured as an associated VPC for the hosted zone (and *not* as a feature/function of the VPC)

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Defining multiple headers for x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer in Open API 3.0 specifications

Defining multiple headers for x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer in Open API 3.0 specifications

A brief summary of something I learned today

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Installing pgAgent on CentOS

Installing pgAgent on CentOS

A quick post on how to set up pgAgent on a database server running CentOS 7 in order to create some scheduled maintenance tasks to run against a postgreSQL database.

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Storing Configuration in Azure Key Vault

Storing Configuration in Azure Key Vault

Azure Key Vault provides secure storage of keys and other secrets to be used by other Azure services and apps. It is analogous to AWS Secrets Manager.

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